학회소식         공지사항

[외부] 제7차 국제해양폐기물 콘퍼런스 개최 안내

조회수 : 22936

해양수산부, 유엔환경계획, 해양환경공단과 미국해양대기청이 공동주관하는 7차 국제해양폐기물콘퍼런스가  9 18일부터 23일까지 부산 벡스코에서 열릴 예정입니다.

국제해양폐기물콘퍼런스는 비정기적으로 열리는 국제행사로, 해양폐기물에 관해서 세계적으로 가장 큰 학술행사이면서 대중적인 행사입니다. 

현재까지의 정보는 7imdc.org 에서 확인할 수 있으며,  9가지의 주제로 115개의 세션이 공개되었는데, 4 29일까지 초록 제출 마감이오니 관심있는 회원님들께서는 많이 참여해 주시기 바랍니다. 


참고로, 유엔환경계획에서 보내온 공지 메일을 아래와 같이 안내합니다.

Sent by UNEP on behalf of the 7IMDC


Dear colleagues,


Please find below some important updates on the 7th International Marine Debris Conference (7IMDC), which is scheduled to take place from 18-23 September 2022 in Busan, Republic of Korea.


The Call for Abstracts and Posters is Open!

The Call for Abstracts and Posters for the 7IMDC was launched on the 31st of March 2022, and is open until Friday the 29th of April, 2022. Successful abstract proposals will be offered a speaking time within the Technical Session to which the abstract is submitted, while successful poster proposals will be offered a space at the conference’s poster event. Abstracts and posters will be evaluated on their technical merit as well as on their interest and relevance to the greater marine debris and plastic pollution community. For more information, please review the Abstracts and Posters page on the 7IMDC website, where you will also find the link to the online submission form, which will be via the ExOrdo Platform. Each submitter will need to create a unique user ID and password in Ex Ordo (at no cost) to submit an abstract or poster.


Technical Sessions Selected

The Call for Technical Sessions was open from November 2021 to January 2022, and it received an impressive response – the number of proposals submitted was almost double what the conference can accommodate. The selection process was rigorous, and in the end 115 Technical Sessions were accepted by the 7IMDC’s Executive Committee, organized around 9 thematic tracks. All final Technical Sessions, with titles and full descriptions, can be found on the Technical Sessions page of the 7IMDC website . Proposal submitters were notified by email on 13-14 March 2022 of their proposal’s status – if you did not receive any notification, please check your spam folder or contact info@7IMDC.org. If your proposal was not accepted as a Technical Session, we strongly encourage you to consider resubmitting your proposal as an Abstract or a Poster.


Conference Format

Please note that the 7IMDC will be optimized to be primarily an in-person event, however the conference will have hybrid elements and will provide options for remote attendance. Session chairs and presenters will be kindly requested to attend the conference in-person, however should this not be possible then pre-recorded presentations will be considered.  We will have more guidance on this available on the website in due course. 



Registration for the conference will open soon, and more details will be posted on the 7IMDC website in due time.


Travel Awards

A limited number of travel awards will be made available to enable the participation of persons from low-income countries and small island developing states who may not otherwise be able to attend the conference. More information will be posted on the 7IMDC website by the time registration opens.



As always, we encourage anyone interested in the conference to subscribe to our mailing list to remain up to date on the latest news and developments. We also encourage everyone to share this email with friends, colleagues, or mailings lists of relevance in order to help us reach the broadest audience possible.

Thank you and we hope to see you in Busan later this year! 


Best regards,


The 7IMDC team


7th International Marine Debris Conference (7IMDC)

For more information on the 7IMDC, please visit our website at  www.7imdc.org and subscribe to our mailing list at  www.7imdc.org/signUp/mailing 

Key dates for the conference can be found here:  https://7imdc.org/sevenImdc/importantDates

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