학회소식         공지사항

9th EAWOMEN2 Distinguished Service Award & Student Presentation_

작성자 : 관리자
조회수 : 4254



제9차 EAWOMEN2 2019 개최관련하여 다수회 참가자 및 우수논문 발표자에게 시상을 하고자 합니다.   아래 내용을 참고하시어 5회 이상 참석과 올해 일본대회 6번째 참가 해당되시는 분들은 이름, 소속, 참가횟수를 적어서 학회 사무국으로 보내주시기 바랍니다.  초록 제출 시 이메일에 기재해서 보내주시면 됩니다.

(예: 기존 5 이상 참석하였으나 올해 일본대회 불참시는 해당사항이 안되고, 기존 5 이상, 올해 일본대회 참가자 대상입니다. )

초록 및 full paper도 기한 내 학회 사무국으로 보내주시면 됩니다. 초록 제출 기간이 아래와 같이 연장 되었습니다. (초록 작성 양식은 첨부 파일을 참고하시기 바랍니다.)


- 사이트 오픈 : http://www.marine.osakafu-u.ac.jp/~eamen2/



Important Dates:

Submission of Abstract August 23, 2019 (연장)
Notification of Acceptance August 23, 2019
Submission of full paper September 16, 2019
Registration deadline September 16, 2019



Please send email telling that 'if
your next appearance in EAWOMEN 2019 is 6th time or more (including the EAWOEN
2019), then, you will be awarded Long-Term Distinguished Service Prize' to the researchers in your country.

After you receive email from the researchers who have attended the past EAWOMEN 5 times or more AND will attend the next EAWOMEN 2019,
then, please list them (name, affiliation, how many times) and send the list to

Also, please inform the researchers in your country of that student awards will be presented to promote the students' attendance.

For your reference (and also attached document):

a. Long-Term Distinguished Service Prize

i. Award persons who have attended EAWOMEN2 more than 5 times, not continuously.

ii. The prize is awarded in the party (1st night) of the EAWOMEN2.

iii. This means that his/her appearance in the particular EAWOMEN2 should be more than the 6th time.

iv. The past appearance includes their student time.

b. Student Best Presentation Prize

i. Award a student who makes the best presentation.

ii. The performance of students is examined by the SC members (2 from each country).

iii. This prize is awarded at the last moment of the particular EAWOMEN2.

c. Student Good Presentation Prize

i. Award students from each country: 1 out of 3.

ii. This means that at least 3 students from each country must give presentations to select 1 prize.

iii. These prizes are awarded at the last moment of the particular EAWOMEN2.

d. Student Best Poster Prize

i. Award 2 students who make very good performance for their posters.

ii. 1 for energy and 1 for environment.

iii. The host institute may have advantage.


1: 2003 KRISO, Daejeon, Korea

2: 2005 Kyushu U, Fukuoka, Japan

3: 2007 Cheng-Kung U, Tainan, Taiwan

4: 2009 Korea Maritime&Ocean U, Busan, Korea

5: 2011 UTokyo, Kashiwa, Japan

6: 2013 Ocean U China, Qingdao, China

7: 2015 Taiwan Ocean U, Keelung, Taiwan

8: 2017 Seogwipo KAL Hotel, Jeju, Korea

9: 2019 Osaka Prefecture U, Osaka, Japan (planned)




