Milan, Italy - 12-14 March 2018 -
Sponsored by the IEEE Environmental Engineering Initiative
The IEEE International Environmental Engineering Conference is the
flagship conference of the IEEE Environmental Engineering Initiative
(IEEE EEI), a multi-disciplinary collaboration across the whole IEEE
directed to foster knowledge dissemination and innovation in
environmental engineering and to promote a sustainable future for the
The conference will focus on technologies, theory, methodologies,
systems, industry cases, applications, and social/ethical implications
in environmental engineering, specifically for modeling, monitoring,
and control of natural and artificial environments to ensure
livability and a sustainable future of the environments as well as
well-being of individuals and the community.
In the context of environmental applications, topic includes, but are
not limited to:
- Sensors, measurements, wireless sensor networks, remote sensing, UAV
- Analog/digital architectures, embedded systems, reconfigurable and
resilient architectures
- Communications, networking, internet of things, cloud and fog
computing, systems and network security
- Signal and image processing
- Monitoring and management
- Modelling and prediction
- Big data analytics, machine learning, artificial and computational
intelligence, knowledge extraction, data fusion
- Data management, protection, and privacy
- Earth observation and environmental science
- Water, air, ocean environments and resources
- Pollution monitoring
- Robotics, rescue systems, human interfaces
- Intelligent transportation and aerospace systems
- Energy and resource production and consumption
- Electromagnetic environments
- Industrial manufacturing and logistics
- Disaster prevention, monitoring and management
- Reliability and safety
- Environment designs
- Ethics, social, economic and technology management
- United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Conference and submission details:
15 JANUARY 2018 - Extended abstracts deadline (at least 2 pages)
31 JANUARY 2018 - Acceptance/rejection
20 FEBRUARY 2018 - Registration and payment deadline: accepted papers
will be included in the program only if at least one author will
register and pay the registration fee (IEEE member and non-member fees
only are acceptable to this purpose) - no exceptions.
15 APRIL 2018 - Final manuscript deadline (at least 5 pages)
IMPORTANT NOTICE: An accepted paper will be included in the
post-conference proceedings only if it sufficiently expands the
submitted extended abstract, if at least one author will register and
pay the due registration fee by the deadline, and if one of the
registered authors will present the paper in person. Only papers
included in the post-conference proceedings will be submitted for
possible inclusion in the IEEE Xplore digital library. If an author
covers more than one accepted paper with her/his registration to
guarantee inclusion in the proceedings, she/he must pay a surcharge of
50 US$ for each paper in excess of one.
General Chairs
Sabrina Greco, University of Pisa, Italy
Vincenzo Piuri, University of Milan, Italy
Program Chair
Ren? Garello, IMT Atlantique, France
Jinsong Wu, Universidad de Chile, Chile