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9th EAWOMEN2 2019 Call for Papers

작성자 : 관리자
조회수 : 25917

The 9th East Asian Workshop for Marine Environment and Energy (EAWOMEN2 2019)
Osaka, Japan, October 27-29, 2019

The objective of this workshop is to provide a platform for East Asian scientists,
engineers and graduate students to share their experiences and exchange their ideas
in the fields of marine environment and ocean renewable energy. The workshop has
been held in every two years. In 2019, the workshop will be held in Osaka, Japan.


Important Dates
Submission of Abstract August 9, 2019 -> August 23, 2019
Notification of Acceptance August 23, 2019
Submission of full paper September 16, 2019
Registration deadline September 16, 2019

I-site Namba, Osaka Prefecture University


Organized by

East Asian Network for Marine Environment and Energy (EAMEN2)

Hosted by
The Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineers (JASNAOE)
Department of Marine System Engineering, Osaka Prefecture University (OPU)

Prof. Koji Otsuka (OPU) otsuka@marine.osakafu-u.ac.jp

Prof. Naoki Nakatani (OPU) nakatani@marine.osakafu-u.ac.jp


