EAMEN2         News of EAMEN2

The 8th EAWOMEN2 Workshop schedule & events

조회수 : 22563

  1. KOSMEE Reception on 11 OCT, 18:00 ~20:00: this
    reception is for the KOSMEE members, however, KOSMEE have the plan to invite
    the only IOC (Current and Previous) members of EAWOMEN2.

  2. IOC & LOC member boarding meeting of EAWOMEN2 on 12 OCT,
    luncheon time (12:00~13:00)

  3. Official Welcoming Reception for EAWOMEN2 on 12 OCT, 18:00 ~20:00

  4. Technical & City tours on 14 OCT, 09:00 ~ 16:00 (Visit
    marine wind farm facilities in Jeju)

  5. Workshop (Keynote, oral presentation & Poster presentation)
    : 12 OCT. 13:00 ~ 13 OCT. 18:00 (20 min presentation including 5 min Q&A
    for each presenter)


