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7th EWOMEN2 Workshop

작성자 : 관리자
조회수 : 24008


The 7th East Asian Workshop for Marine Environment and Energy (EAWOMEN 2015)
National Taiwan Ocean University
Keelung, Taiwan
October 15‐17, 2015

The objective of this workshop is to provide a platform for East Asian scientists, engineers, and graduate students to share their experiences and exchange their ideas in the fields of marine environments and ocean renewable energy. The workshop has been held in every two years. In 2015, the workshop will be held in National Taiwan Ocean University (NTOU) in Keelung, Taiwan.


Important Dates:
Submission of Abstract July 30th, 2015
Notification of Abstract Acceptance Aug 1st, 2015
Registration deadline Sep 15th, 2015
Submission of Full paper Sep 15th, 2015​


Conference Hall, National Taiwan Ocean University

International Organizing Committee:
Prof. Tien‐Hsi Fang (Taiwan, Chair), Prof. Beom‐Soo Hyun (Korea), Prof. Museok Song (Korea),
Prof. Yusaku Kyozuka (Japan), Prof. Toru Sato (Japan), Prof. Hongda Shi (China)

Organized by
East Asian Network for Marine Environment and Energy (EAMEN2)

Local Hosts:
Department of Marine Environmental Informatics, NTOU
Research Center for Ocean Energy and Strategies, NTOU

Prof. Tien‐Hsi Fang (NTOU) thfang@mail.ntou.edu.tw

Prof. Dong‐Jiing Doong (NCKU) doong@mail.ncku.edu.tw

http://www.mei.ntou.edu.tw/EAWOMEN2015 (will be online soon)​
